Children are mysterious flowers.
Their names are riddles, their lives are gardens of forking paths.

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

Viaţa fără planuri

Mi-a plăcut enorm articolul ăsta simplu şi profund scris de Father Stephen. Dacă am vreme, o să-l traduc, e eliberator.

Pun aici doar începutul, ca să vă stârnesc.

One of the geniuses of modern life is the plan. It is certainly the case that if you have a company and a product, or whatever passes for those in these days, there is probably a plan to go with them. Occasionally you hear from Christians, “God has a plan for my life.”

Several years ago I was flying from Dallas back to Tennessee and was sitting in the middle of two very interesting young seatmates. On the aisle was a very frightened young coed who gripped the armrest ever tighter with the slightest bump.

It was a summer flight - meaning lots of thunderstorms between Dallas and Tennessee - and therefore lots of bumps. On my right was a young college student from one of the Christian colleges in the Dallas area.

After a particularly difficult set of bumps, the young man, in an effort to be helpful, turned to the woman seated on my other side and said, “You don’t need to be worried. God has a plan for my life. This plane cannot go down.” Apparently God had also told him what the plan was.

I thought to myself, “I’ve served God for many years and as far as I know, he can take me at any minute.”

Citeşte mai departe.

2 comentarii:

Dinny spunea...

Buna :)
Insemnarea asta mi-a adus aminte ca: "Viata este ceea ce ni se intampla in timp ce ne planificam viitorul" ;)

flo.irina spunea...

exista si varianta in limba romana a blogului pr stephen